解決 HP 複合機的掃瞄問題


HP CUE Scanning Flow Component has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
( HP CUE Scanning Flow Component 發生問題,必須關閉。我們很抱歉 )


上網 google 了一下,才發現這是 HP 的問題! (奇怪,之前怎麼可以用...) ,解法如下:


* Go to Start Menu
* Right click on My Computer and select Explore
* In the Explorer window that opens, on the right side, double click on C Drive
* On the right side, double click on Documents and Settings
* On the right side, double click on your personal folder ... the folder that has your login name on it
* On the right side, double click on the folder Application Data
* On the right side, right click in an empty area, select NEW, then select FOLDER. When the new folder appears, name it HP. Now double click on the folder HP
* On the right side, right click in an empty area, select NEW, then select FOLDER. When the new folder appears, name it "Digital Imaging" (without the quotation marks). Now double click on the folder Digital Imaging
* On the right side, right click in an empty area, select NEW, then select FOLDER. When the new folder appears, name it Data. Now double click on the folder Data
* On the right side, right click in an empty area, select NEW, then select FOLDER. When the new folder appears, name it Destination. Now double click on the folder Destination

Now you are going to edit your registry ... BE CAREFUL ... if you mess up your registry you will have to rebuild your computer.

* Go to Start Menu, All Programs, Accessories, and select "Command Prompt"
* In the black Command Prompt window that opens, type regedit and hit enter
* In the Registry Editor window that opens, in the left side, go the very top and double click on My Computer
* Below that, double click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
* Below that, double click on Software
* Below that, double click on Hewlett-Packard (you may have to scroll down to find it)
* Below that, double click on DigitalImaging (you may have to scroll down to find it)
* Double check that you are in the correct place; at the very bottom of this Registry Editor window, in the border of the window, it should say
"My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Hewlett-Packard\DigitalImaging"
* Now move to the right window. Right click in an empty area of the right window and select NEW, then select STRING VALUE; when the new String Value is created, it will be highlighted and named "New Value #1" ... type this new name instead ProfileWritePath (retain the upper and lower case characters) and hit enter
* Now double click on this new key that you named ProfileWritePath
* A window will open, and in the white box labeled "Value data:" enter this
%APPDATA%\HP\Digital Imaging\Data\Destination
* Make sure you enter it exactly as I have shown it above
* Click on ok
* Close all the windows we opened ... you are done.
* You should now reboot so that all the HP programs restart themselves


