[Plugin] WP 專屬留言板

不久前在 "hsuyo BLOG":http://blog.hsuyo.info/2005/0605/317/ 看到這個好用的留言板,昨晚發神經給它裝了起來。
這個留言板支援中文,而且是用那個 AJAX 的技術,感覺好屌 (我是外行人,請海涵)。

不過, "AJAX Shoutbox":http://blog.jalenack.com/ajax/ 版本已經升級,安裝方法有點不同!
下載之後,建議詳讀它的 readme.txt 再安裝不遲,免得把自己搞到焦頭爛額。


1. Put the folder labeled "wordspew" in your plugins folder. This is located at /wp-content/plugins/.
(解壓後,將 wordspew 目錄及目錄下的檔案,都上傳到 plugins 目錄之下)

2. Browse to your plugins manager in the admin section of your blog. Activate Jalenack's Wordspew plugin. This will automatically create a table in your database that the plugin will use for its content.
(到後端的 Plugins 去啟動這個外掛,你將可在 Manage 之下看到 "Live Shoutbox"選項)

3. Now you have to choose where you want the shoutbox to show on your blog. I suggest putting it in your sidebar. To edit the sidebar, go to /wp-content/themes/*yourtheme*/sidebar.php . Then place this snippet:
(建議將這個留言板放在 sidebar,置入的語法為: )

4. You can edit the look and functionality of your shoutbox by browsing to your admin panel and clicking on Manage. Under there, there should be a submenu titled "Live Shoutbox". Go there. By default, only users with Level 8 or higher status can access it. Site Admins are level 10, so you have nothing to worry about.
(你可以到後端的 Manage 之下的 "Live Shoutbox"選項,做相關的設定,打造屬於自己的留言板)

就這樣,感謝 hsuyo!


在〈[Plugin] WP 專屬留言板〉中有 2 則留言

  1. 你好我想請問一下~
