Google新地圖檢索服務使用的地圖,是由衛星拍下的鳥瞰圖,比繪畫的地圖更有真實感,用戶可放大或縮小要查看的地區,提供衛星圖片的是Google收購的Keyhole (鑰匙孔)公司。
Google在 2005/04/04 把這些衛星影像整合到Google Map服務內,提供除了地圖之外的另一種View。Google強調供搜尋的地圖不會侵犯別人隱私,因為用戶不能從圖片中看到屋內的情況。
範例 1:舊金山空照衛星圖
範例 2:某個外國人的上班路線圖
Google Sightseeing
Now some of us can look over our planet via Google Satelite,
Besides, this man also provided a Blog to take photos fof out planet by Google.將Keyhole技術整合Google Map,對台灣人來說,無怎用處,因為只限美加朋友適用。但想不到有人用其Search Result來做Blog,帶我們觀賞美國的名勝。
* "網絡-地圖-趨向-黏度":
* "Bloggers around your place?":
* HousingMaps: Craigslist apartment listings plotted on Google Maps
* Found City: A community-generated map of interesting places in New York City
* Google Sightseeing: A blog that shows "the best tourist spots in the world via Google Maps' satellite imagery."
* Maps traffic data onto Google Maps
* Google Maps Wallpapers: Merges Google Maps satellite "tiles" to produce wallpaper or a poster
* Cheap Gas: Find cheap gas prices, powered by gasbuddy and Google Maps
* Entertainment locations listed on are shown on mini-Google Maps inserted on the site's pages
* Chicago transit maps on Google Maps
* ong the cool features on this site
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